A domain name name is a name given to an IP address such as www.yahoo.com. A domain name name is much like knowing a house by "Bob’s" instead of his exact street address. Domain names provide an easy way to get to a website instead of remembering a long IP address.
A domain extension is the suffix at the end of a web address, like .com or .net. For example, in the domain name www.myultrawebsite.com, com is the extension.
Absolutely! All of our web hosting plans include email support.
WHOIS (pronounced as the phrase who is) is used to find information on assigned resource such as a domain name. By default it is public but with Domain ID protection you may hide this information.
With a domain name you can setup a website, have an email address, have your own landing page, sell it, protect a brand name or simply hold on to it.
After you have registered a domain name with Ultra, it will take anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours for your domain name to propagate to all of the root DNS servers and your internet service provider.
Domain parking allows you to alias or mirror a website. In the case with domain registrars domain parking is sitting your domain and showing their website. With us you can mirror your existing account with different domain names which can be very useful. For example: Both yourwebsite.com and your-website.com can point to the same hosting account. This is useful for domain names that are commonly mis-typed or for some search engine optimization.
Generally used to refer to a host name immediately under a second-level domain (but appears before the main domain) such as forums.yourdomain.com. Subdomains are often called vanity domains.
Absolutely. After the 90-day hold period which is standard with all registrars, you may sell or transfer the domain away if you like.