Ultra has available SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates from InstantSSL and RapidSSL which provide full 256-Bit SSL connections compatible with 99% of all browsers. This allows you to provide https:// connections to your visitors for sensitive information.
An SSL certificate is used for accepting forms securely on your website. It is the recommended way of accepting confidential information securely such as important contact information, credit cards etc. If you run a business with transactions over the internet this is something you definitely should have and many customers wont purchase products from you without it.
When using SSL, all information sent between the person looking at your web site and the web server itself is encrypted. This is also useful for shopping cart / e-commerce applications, password protected web sites and any situation which requires a high level of security.
Provided below are several different SSL certificates we offer with different features depending on your needs and budget. All the following SSL certificates include free installation with your hosting plan with us.
With our partnership with Comodo and RapidSSL, we provide InstantSSL certificates at reduced pricing. You will not find better pricing on InstantSSL certificates.
For the fastest SSL certificate setup and installation, we now recommend RapidSSL.